Current Action - FLDS situation

I am probably just going to target one situation at a time (unless there are two really promanant ones that need imeadiate attention)
Currently we are targetting the unjust FLDS situation.
This blog is to inform those that already oppose CPS custody of the FLDS children, of actions they can take. It is not to debate or discuss the situation.
You can ask questions in the "comments" part at the end of each post on this blog.
For thoughts on the situation
The appeal that was won
The actual court proceedings (read from the bottom up by time)
Day 2
If you scroll down on these pages, there are links to the actual documents in the case, on the left.
A rejected appeal
Letters from mental health workers
Quote from CPS spokesman Patrick Crimmins.
"authorities removed pictures and teachings of Warren Jeffs from some scriptures, then gave the books back. He says, "We obviously don't have any quarrel with the Book of Mormon, or the Bible, or the Koran." He says the problem is when children are reading the words of a convicted sex offender like Warren Jeffs."
Texas Supreme Court papers Please feal free to use all or parts of posts when writing letters to oppose the govt.'s actions.
By posting a reply, it is assumed that you are giving your permission for others to use it as letters to oppose the govt.'s actions. Also, I will assume you are giving your permission to make it a post in this blog.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Address the unjust FLDS hearing

(please see sidebar for where to write)

Please address the injustice of the April 17 and 18, FLDS custody hearing. I commend CPS in their righteous desire to discover whether any of the 400+ flds children have suffered real or threatened physical force or abuse. If this had been declared as the original purpose in taking the flds children away from their parents, I would not now be ashamed to be called a citizen of The United States of America. As a voting citizen of a democrocy, I am personally accountable for any injustices committed in the name of the govt. that represents me - unless I make every legal effort to address these injustices!
THE NUMBER OF CONFIRMED CASES OF ABUSE, (IF ANY), WILL NOT CHANGE MY OUTRAGE AT THE APRIL 17 AND 18, FLDS CUSTODY HEARING AND THE WRONGS AGAINST FREEDOM THEREIN COMMITTED BY IT!It is my understanding that the April 17 and 18, FLDS custody hearing ruled that teaching unconditional obedience (regardless of the method used) accompanied by spedific beliefs (whether these beliefs were acted upon or not), constituted abuse. Further, the specific belief that I hold sacred, that the pinnacle of my existence is to bear children, was used as evidence that people (whether children or not) were incapable of making their own decisions. The April 17 and 18, FLDS custody hearing has infringed on my most sacred human rights. It has infringed on my human right to believe whatever I want (even if acting on that belief is against the law.)It has infringed on the most basic and sacred form of free speach, my freedom to teach my own children regardless of whether public opinion, or the law, agree with what I am teaching!It has infringed on my most sacred role of MOTHERHOOD, claiming that motherhood is so unfit to be the pinnacle of ones existance, that only those incapable of making decisions themselves would choose it as such! Thankyou for your time. Please address these significant grievances.

(including the adress of your residence helps to show that you are a real person writing)

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